Highcharts is now integrated into ViziApps. It enables a huge variety of data-rich and responsive charts and graphs with many display options. Used by tens of thousands of developers and 61 out of the world’s 100 largest companies, Highcharts provides the simplest yet most flexible charting solution on the market.
Using ViziApps Studio, IT teams, business users, and their IT suppliers can now quickly build mobile apps with robust interactive charts without coding.
Here’s an example chart.

Numerous Chart Types and Powerful Options
ViziApps with Highcharts now supports easy integration in your mobile apps charts that include the following types: line, spline, area, area spline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, area range, area spline range, column range and polar. Many of these can be combined in one chart.
Adding charts to your ViziApps mobile apps is easy and fast. Just select the Chart field in the ViziApps Studio, set the name for your chart, and enter the chart options. Chart data can be statically stored in your app or dynamically set from your backend data sources using the Manage Data Dialog.
Here are just a few examples of the powerful mobile charting options now available with ViziApps:

Pinch-Zooming Your users can zoom in on a chart to more closely examine especially interesting data.

Tooltip Labels Tapping on a chart can display tooltip text with information on each point and series. Вам нравится смотреть на измены жен. Тогда с удовольствием смотрите рогоносцы порно по ссылке и не пожалеете. Тут заливают сотни видео каждый день.

Angular gauges Ideal for dashboards, angular gauges provide speedometer-like charts, easy to read at a glance.

Polar charts Cartesian chart types like line, area, spline or area spline can be converted to polar or radial charts with one simple option.