Recent enhancements to the ViziApps mobile app creation platform allow testing of spreadsheet queries directly from the ViziApps Studio. In other words, it is no longer necessary to go out of ViziApps to your mobile device to test individual spreadsheet queries.
In response to requests from our users, we added this new capability to speed mobile app development and eliminate the need for app creators to move in and out of the ViziApps Studio to test every query made to a database. (To take advantage of ViziApps data management capabilities, sign up for a free ViziApps account here if you haven’t already.)
Now mobile app creators can use this new graphical query tester early in the app design process to verify which queries are working and to identify issues that require attention. Every spreadsheet query in the ViziApps graphical query tree now has a green icon that represents this new testing tool for that particular query.
When a user clicks on it, a pop-up appears with that query for testing.
The tester works for all query types. For update, insert and where condition tests, the app creator enters test values in the empty device fields and clicks the “Test” button. That simple action submits the query and then displays the results in a second graphical response tree. Both single values and array values are displayed, as well as any query errors that may occur.
See for yourself how we’ve enhanced ViziApps data management capabilities by streamlining the testing of database queries within the ViziApps Studio.