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Push Notifications

The Push Notifications feature is provided through Urban Airship . Here are the steps to enable push notifications in your app:

  1. Download the ViziApps certificate for Urban Airship by clicking the Download Certificate button in the ViziApps Studio dialog for Push Notifications. You will need this certificate in step 4.
  2. Create your Urban Airship App to setup Push messages for Development.
  3. In your Urban Airship App under Settings/Services , configure your Apple Push Notification Service by entering the iOS APNS Password which is “ViziApps1” and uploading the APNS certificate from the ViziApps Studio download in the dialog box.
  4. In your Urban Airship App under Settings/Services , configure your Google Cloud Messaging by entering the Google Api Key from the Studio dialog box and enter “com.viziapps.viziapps” for the Package name.
  5. In Urban Airship Settings/API Keys, copy the App Key and Secret and paste them in to the ViziApps Development App Key and Development App Secret in the Studio dialog box.
  6. Select a Push Notification option in the ViziApps dialog box, for the response on your device,
    • Open your app and popup a website with the link in the 'url' key of the notification message. For this option, when you send a notification from Urban Airship add the key 'url' and url value and your app will popup the website page for that url.
    • Open your app and call your function with the notification JSON data. For this option your app will open and call your javascript function with the notification data in a JSON type.
  7. Save your settings in the dialog box.
  8. Run your test app in the ViziApps app on your device and send a Push Message from your Urban Airship Development App.
  9. When you are ready to publish your ViziApps app, in the Urban Airship Settings/API Keys, of your Urban Airship production App, copy the App Key and Secret and paste them in to the Production App Key and Production App Secret in the ViziApps dialog box.