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Team Development - App Sharing

With the ViziApps App Sharing feature, multiple developers having their own accounts can collaborate on the same app, even at the same time. There are some common reasons why you might want to do this:

ViziApps does not place a limit on the number of users that can share an app.

App Sharing Roles

There are 3 user roles involved in the App Sharing process:

All users must have ViziApps accounts. The App Sharing feature uses the ViziApps account names to identify each user, not their email address.

Sharing An App

  1. Enter ViziApps Studio and open the app you would like to share.
  2. Click on the button Share This App. The App Sharing dialog box will appear.
  3. Enter the ViziApps user name of the person you want to share your app with.
  4. You may also enter a message for that user. This message will appear in an email notification.
  5. Ignore the Shared Apps selection for now.
  6. Click Share to create the Shared App for this user.

Using a Shared App

Reviewing and Removing Shared Apps

  1. Open the Share This App dialog for an app.
  2. Select the Shared Apps control. You will see a list of all apps that are shared.
  3. To remove a user from sharing a specific app, select that app and click Remove.