Fields and Actions

Click on any New Field button to add the field to your Design Canvas.

Html Panel Container and Editor for any HTML content. You can copy any web content and paste it into a panel.
Label Text with different font choices - read only for app users, but read/write both for javascript and web data sources.
Text Field Text Field with different font choices for app user input and it comes with a placeholder option.
Types: Text, Password, Number, Phone, Email, URL, Search, Phone
Text Area Multiline Text display with different font choices and with the option of editable or read only
Image Image with one of 5 ways to load an image: load a stock image, upload your own image, use a previous image, use an existing image URL or use an image URL from a web data response. Scaling types: Fit, Fill, and Scaled Fill
Button Button with different background and font choices.
Image Button Image Button with one of 4 ways to set the button image: load a stock image, upload your own image, use previous image or use an existing image URL
Switch Switch with types: on-off, yes-no, true-false
CheckBox Checkbox
Table Table with the option of preloaded lists. Table formats require a title and may include an image, subtitle, or hidden field for each row. Custom tables may also be designed.
Grid Show an array of data in row,column format similar to a spreadsheet. Sort by column header and apply filters by data content.
RSS RSS Feed with Popup Web Page
Chart Chart for visual display of data.
Chart Types: Bar, Line, Pie, Scatter, Area, Barcode, QR code
Picker Picker Types: Select, Date, Time, Date-Time, Credit Card Expiration, Calendar, Time Span min/sec, Time Span days/hours/min, Countdown timer, Stopwatch
Slide Panel Sliding slide panel with a list of pages to go to
Slider Slider with min/max
Camera Take a photo with the option of a thumb image
GPS Device GPS
Alert Popup text alert message
Hidden Field Hidden field with the option of the Device ID value

User response actions are available in these fields in response to a user tap:

buttons, switches Go to page
Go to previous page
Show slide panel
Popup web page
Get or send device data via a web data source
Email message
Call phone
Text message
Take a photo
Capture a signature
Record audio
Scan barcode or QR code
Table Go to a page for any row selected
Go to the page = value of the hidden field of the selected row
Popup web page = URL value of the hidden field of the selected row
Get or send device data via a web data source
Select multiple rows
Picker Get or send device data via a web data source